
Home / Community / Chapters / Chapter Webinar Program

Chapter Webinar Program

Man watching in a webinar on a laptop

As a member benefit, SWANA Chapters purchase webinar credits to be used by Chapter members. Members can use these credits to attend live or recorded SWANA Webinars at no cost to themselves or their employer.

Current List of Participating SWANA Chapters

The current list of participating SWANA Chapters includes:

Arizona ChapterARIZONA
California Gold Rush ChapterContact Tracie Bills or Larry Sweetser
Colorado ChapterCOLORADO
Illinois Land of Lincoln ChapterILLINOIS
Indiana Hoosier ChapterINDIANA
Iowa Society of Solid Waste OperationsIOWA
Kansas Sunflower ChapterKANSAS
Mid-Atlantic ChapterContact Jessica Moore at
Minnesota Land of Lakes ChapterMINNESOTA
Mississippi ChapterMISSISSIPPI
Missouri ChapterMISSOURI
Nebraska ChapterNEBRASKA
New Jersey ChapterNEWJERSEY
Please limit credit usage to once per quarter.
New Mexico ChapterRoadRunner
New York ChapterNEWYORK
Pennsylvania Keystone ChapterContact Chanda Martino
Ohio ChapterOHIO
Oregon ChapterOREGON
Southern California Founding ChapterFOUNDING
Southern New England ChapterSNEWENGLAND
Virginia Old Dominion ChapterVIRGINIA
Washington Evergreen ChapterContact Dawn Maurer

How Do I Register?

If you are a member of a participating SWANA chapter, you can purchase any live or recorded SWANA Webinar through the SWANA Store.

  1. For a live webinar, go to the webinar event page you would like to attend and click “Register.” For recorded webinars, skip to Step 2.
  2. Click “Add to Cart.”
  3. Click “View Cart.”
  4. Enter Debit Card Code in the box labelled “Promo Code” and click “Apply” ChapterWebinarProgram-4Screenshot
  5. Cost for the webinar will now be $0.00
  6. Click “Pay Now” and complete order process.
  7. An email containing the login link will be sent to your email automatically at time of purchase.

My Chapter Is Not Listed. How can my Chapter participate?

Contact your Chapter leadership and let them know of your interest in having your Chapter join the program. If you are a Chapter leader and want your chapter to subscribe to the program, contact

Chapter Webinar Package Options

Number of Registrations50100200
Price Per Registration*$42$37$32

(*The lowest regular price for single webinar registration through the SWANA store is $49 for SWANA Members)

How do I earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs)?

If you registered to attend the SWANA Webinar under your account, then PDHs will automatically be added to your record the following month.

If the SWANA Webinar was viewed as a group, please provide a sign-in sheet to

The sign-in sheet should include the webinar date, the name of the person who registered to receive the logins, and have the name and SWANA ID Number of each of the participants.

If a participant does not have a SWANA ID Number, or they do not know what it is, please include their title, company, email, and address.
