SWANA Store questions answered.
- How can I pay an invoice online?
- I forgot my log-in and password. How do I retrieve it?
- How does membership renewal work?

Everything about SWANA Training & Certification
- How can I get an extension for re-certification?
- How many Professional Development Hours (PDHs) can I earn from non-SWANA related courses?
- Where is my course manual?

SWANA Membership
Everything about becoming a SWANA member.
- How Do I Update My Profile on MySWANA?
- Can I transfer a membership?
- Does SWANA offer group or company membership?
- How do I access Members-only pages?

Applied Research Foundation
Everything about the Applied Research Foundation (ARF).
- How do I subscribe to the Applied Research Foundation?
- Who Chooses what ARF research topics to address?

Young Professionals (YP) Group
Everything about SWANA's YP Group
- Am I qualified for Young Professionals membership? How does it work?
- Do I have to be 35 and under to participate in YP activities?

Technical Divisions
Everything about SWANA's seven technical divisions.
- What do the Technical Divisions do?
- How can I get on a technical division committee?
- How can I join a Technical Division?